
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pom Pom Wreath

It has been such a BUSY few weeks. We had my brother fly in from England and stay a few weeks, it was a lot of fun, the boys love him and Jasper still asks me every day ' where is Joe mama?' Such a sweet little boy!

Recently bought a pom pom maker, it was totally a random buy. I saw Anthropologie using one at one of their craft days so decided to go look at those little suckers with no intension to buy it since i really didn't make pom poms often enough. Anyway, i took it home and made a fabulous ( if i do say so myself ... and i do! ) Pom pom wreath! 
I love wreaths and changing them out each season or holiday. 
This will be my Christmas Pom pom wreath. 
Im pretty proud of it, Alan was even able to help out! He made 2 pom poms!

The boys love to run their fingers though it and try to pull the pom poms off daily, they had a pom pom fight during the making off. 
Anyway, enough talking, heres some pictures! 

Right now I'm super ticked that i haven't been saving my money for a new camera! It's the top of my list next year. You would think an old photography student would have one but i don't.

I used a combination of 100% natural wool, alpaca and a little cheap chunky acrylic. I love the overall natural feel to it. 

It will hang by this teal velvet ribbon once i get round to it, for now its just hung by a thread. It will probably come crashing down tonight. 

I honestly feel the images don't do it justice! 
Seriously, someone buy me a new camera! 

Oh! I'm also selling these bad boys in my Etsy shop! 

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